
The new Microsoft Planner brings together to-dos, tasks, plans and projects – Ignite 2023 announcement

Microsoft is bringing together Microsoft To Do, Microsoft Planner and Microsoft Project forthe web into a single, unified experience called Microsoft Planner. This experience will firstbe available in the Planner app in Microsoft Teams in spring 2024, followed by webexperiences later in 2024. Powerful, collaborative, scalable and assisted by nextgenerationAI, the new Planner will help […]


Updates to Viva Engage and Viva Amplify – Ignite 2023 announcements

Viva Engage and Viva Amplify are tools to allow organizations to connect everyonethrough employee communities and conversations to build meaningful relationships andgive company messages needed volume. Updates to both platforms include: • Multi-tenant organization (MTO) communication: Viva Engage supports MTOcross-tenant communication to make it easier for leaders to communicate andengage at scale to build community […]


Microsoft Loop now generally available with updated features – Ignite 2023 announcement

The Microsoft Loop app is now generally available for the web and mobile (iOS andAndroid) for commercial customers. The Loop mobile app (iOS and Android) is generallyavailable for consumer customers as well. Full functionality is available to businesscustomers as part of their Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard and Business PremiumLicenses. Recent improvements and new […]

Microsoft Teams

New features and enhancements in Microsoft Teams – Ignite 2023 announcements

Microsoft Teams enables eQective collaboration and communication for more than 320million users around the world. New features in Teams bring a smarter, more personalizedand simpler experience. New Teams meeting features include:• Voice isolation in Teams meetings and calls: This AI-driven feature is an advancednoise suppression capability that leverages user’s voice profiles and suppressesother people’s voices […]

Microsoft Teams

Introducing Microsoft SharePoint Premium – Ignite 2023 announcement

As the volume of content grows across every organization in this era of digitaltransformation and AI, Microsoft is expanding its content management portfolio beyondSharePoint, the market leader in content platforms.SharePoint Premium, Microsoft’s new AI-powered solution to transform contentmanagement, content experiences and get content ready for Microsoft Copilot, a set oftools that help people achieve more […]